This is a static archive of taken on December 24, 2024.
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Fishing on Bolivar

Black Drum
40 lb. Black drum caught by Luke Loggins
Trout and Flounder
Jesse and Michael Curlee with a good catch
Jackfish caught in the surf by Danny Thomas
Trout caught by Debbie Carlisle

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Fishing License Info
Fishing License Info
Tide Tables
Tide Charts
TPWD Fishing Report

Surf Fishing
Surf Fishing
Fishing in the surf is a relaxing, economical and sometimes rewarding experience. Take your rod and reel, some bait (live or dead) or a mirror lure, wade out to the waist deep water on the second sand bar and toss your line out and see what happens. Could be great. Surf fishing is especially good in the summer when the green water comes all the way to the beach. The speckeled trout are hungry and ready to take a lure or live shrimp.

Click for more Information
Jetty Fishing
Renowned fishing spot for miles around. You can walk out on the rocks, (the concrete only runs a short distance), for almost a mile. Dedicated fisherpeople spend hours on the slippery rocks in pursuit of the big one! Friendly atmosphere, you can take the kids, because the crabbing is also very good, and their pursuit brings lots of memories of the little ones trying to keep the crabs on the line! The North Jetty is at the end of 17th Street, off Hwy 87, about two miles east of the Ferry landing.

Get the Net Guide Services, Captain Jeff Brandon � Year-Round Fishing Guide 1183 N Stingaree Dr, Crystal Beach, Texas 77650, 940-393-6531

Stingaree Marina - Intracoastal at Stingaree Road, (409) 684-9530

Caught in the surf by Robert Squyers of Shreveport
Caught in the surf by Robert Squyers of Shreveport
6 lb spec caught by Dan Smith
6 lb spec caught in East Bay by Dan Smith

Rick's fish
Nice one, Rick

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