Bolivar Peninsula Chamber of Commerce is a business
network to promote and advocate on behalf of the business

BPCF sponsors activities to promote the history,
arts, crafts and music of Bolivar Peninsula and
surrounding areas.
facebook.com/BolivarPCF/ |

Supports local organizations that further
the goal of improving the lives of the
residents of Bolivar Peninsula.
www.tcfcharities.org |

Bolivar Peninsula Lighthouse Krewe meetings when scheduled
are the second Saturday of each month
www.lighthousekrewe.com |

Fraternal Order Of Eagles Aerie 3719
a non-profit charity organization
Great place for friendship and fun!

Keep Bolivar Beautiful strives to share our passion to
leave our beaches and peninsula "better than you found
facebook.com/KeepBolivarBeautiful |

Port Bolivar Volunteer Fire Department
1806 Broadway, Port Bolivar, TX
facebook.com/PBVFD |

Crystal Beach Volunteer Fire Department
930 Noble Carl Dr, Crystal Beach, TX
facebook.com/CBVFD |

High Island Volunteer Fire Department
2044 7th Street, High Island, TX
facebook.com/HIVFD |

If you want to list your organization
please email
cbeachcom@yahoo.com |